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Feb 28, 2010 - MCC Loggers

This year the logging locomotive meet will be held at Eagle Point Railroad in Dunlap Tennessee. A look at the EPRR track layout ( will confirm that that it is ideal for our little loggers. All those with an interest in logging and short line equipment are invited to join us. Friday September 24th is planned as the travel day and EPRR will be available to unload equipment. We plan to run on Saturday & Sunday September 25th & 26th. Some will probably return Sunday afternoon/evening. Others are considering diving over to Cass on Monday and taking the long ride to Bald Knob on Tuesday. Anyone interested in a stopover at Cass should email Nelson. If there is enough interest maybe we can rent a caboose for the day and ride up in that ---- it's really neat! Later in the year we'll need a rough headcount of those planning to go to EPRR .

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