Convention Event Schedule*
BLUEBERRY RAILROAD OPEN HOUSE & RUN for Buckeye Limited Attendees​
Check out the railroad here: http://www.blueberryrailroad.com/
Here is the link to the event: Blueberry Railroad Invitation
12:00 Unassisted Unloading Opens (Limited assistance as available)
6:00 Unassisted Unloading Closes
Tuesday - Opening Day
8:00 Train Operations Begin
8:00 Registration Desk Open
8:45 Engineer's Meeting​
5:00 Registration Desk Closed
5:00 Longer Trains Allowed
8:00 Train Operations Begin
8:45 Engineer's Meeting​
9:00 Registration Desk Open
Clinic Schedule
9:00 Welcome w/ Dick McCloy & Jim Henry
9:15​ History of Mill Creek Central Railroad w/ Dick McCloy
10:00 Flanges, Wheels, Track and their Interaction w/ David Coster
11:00​ Realistic Operations w/ Charlie Hallman
12:00 COALS Discussion w/ Jim Henry & Dick McCloy
5:00 Registration Desk Closes
5:00 Longer Trains Allowed
Thursday ​
8:00 Train Operations Begin
8:45 Engineer's Meeting​
9:00 Registration Desk Opens
- Clinic Schedule​
9:00 Fabricating Cylinders w/ Wayne Godshall
10:00 Applying Vinyl Graphics w/ Jim Abbott
11:00 Boiler Care / Treatment 101 w/ Jim Conte & Steve Leatherman
12:00 Proper Water Glass Installation w/ Marty Knox
12:30 Boiler Wash Procedure w/ Marty Knox
1:30 MCCRR Signal Upgrades w/ Nelson Riedel, Laura Walters & Kelley H.
5:00 Registration Desk Closes
​ 6:00 Coshocton Model Railroad Club Open House (AMREC) at fairgrounds​
7:00 Longer Trains Allowed
9:30 Night Run w/pictures (weather permitting)
Friday ​
8:00 Train Operations Begin
8:45 Engineer's Meeting
9:00 Registration Desk Opens
Clinic Schedule​
9:00 Insuring Your Locomotive & Liability w/ Bill Mense & Dave Sams
10:00 Injectors - History, Theory & Application w/ Anthony Duarte
11:30 Age of Steam Roundhouse Update w/ Denny Varian
12:30 Braking Systems w/ Jim Humphrey
5:00 Registration Desk Closes
9:30 Night Run w/pictures (backup evening)
Saturday ​
8:00 Train Operations Begin
9:00 Registration Desk Opens
8:45 Engineer's Meeting
2:00 Registration Desk Closed
11:45 Convention Ends
Sunday ​
9:00 Unassisted Loading Opens (Limited assistance as available)
5:00 Unassisted Loading Closes
*Event schedule & times subject to change