This year the logging locomotive meet will be held at Eagle Point Railroad in Dunlap Tennessee Friday, September 24 through Sunday, September 26.
Check out the track layout at . All those with an interest in logging and short line equipment are invited to join us. We need a rough headcount so those planning to attend should notify Nelson Riedel.
Eagle Point RR requires all engineers new to the track to take a short open book test dealing with the track rules and operating procedures before operating a locomotive on the track. Also, they require that all steam engines have had a boiler inspection by a club track or equivalent. Safety chains are required on all equipment.
The geared locomotives (Shays, Heislers & Climaxes + Clishays) are really slow so large mainline rod engines and fast diesels are not appropriate for this meet.
Friday September 24th is planned as the travel day and EPRR will be available to unload equipment in the late afternoon and evening. We plan to run on Saturday September 24 & Sunday September 25th. Some will probably head home Sunday afternoon/evening.
A group is going to head over to Cass Sunday evening. That group will probably stay someplace east of Knoxville Sunday and continue to Cass Monday arriving at Cass early Monday afternoon. That group will take the train to Bald Knob on Tuesday, September 27. Everyone is invited to join the group at Cass.