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June 7, 2012 Update

Have some more photos of the work weekend projects plus some efforts by the concrete crew.

Bumpers: Ed has made and installed a bunch of these bumpers ----neat!!

Pond: Dick has been dredging and enlarging the pond. The dirt removed from the pond is being used as fill in low areas along the south end of Clee loop. There are plenty of frogs in the pond but no sighting of fish yet. (The sighting of a mermaid is unsubstantiated.)

Main Line Extension: The jumble of steel in the photo is the makings of a ~45 foot long ~10 foot high bridge at the west end of the ravine just west of the horseshoe curve on the logging line. A couple large black stakes (one about 6 foot long and the diameter of a soda can) lost their home when this stuff was drug out of the pile.

The tracks that were removed and then replaced last weekend have been ballasted and are back in service. This is the new main line just east of Whitaker siding.

This photo shows the mainline west of the gas well --- reduced grade and smooth!

Concrete Day: Wednesday was concrete day. The first project was to install the base for the crossing gate on the driveway next to the creek. Clee had the hole dug and the fixture fabricated ahead of time.

Concrete work is really hard (for the one guy working). It was cool and shady so it was a pleasant start for the morning.

The next concrete job was the grade crossing or the main line extension over the driveway just west of the gas well. Clee had the steel structure all ready to go.

Dick made short work of the hole.

Pouring the concrete is sort of a blur to the photographer but the finished crossing looks great. The crew was off wolfing down a few pizzas when the photo was taken.

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