The crew has completed laying all the tack and all the required ballast has been deposited on the track. The ballast on about 100 feet of track still needs to be tamped and the track swept, and a few areas need tweaking. This photo shows the recently completed passing siding just uphill from the horseshoe curve.

This is the tail of the upper switchback. This tail is long enough to hold two trains so it can function as a passing siding. The ballast at the end needs to be tamped. It was a beautiful autumn day but the leaves are falling. The brush on the right is from a tree that blew down during the July storms.

Clee is adding a four foot length of track to the horseshoe curve to increase the radius. There have been several derailments at about the spot where Tim is pouring ballast on the relocated track.

This photo shows the tracks leading to the turntable at the top of the mountain. The ballast on the right hand track will be used to raise the track an inch or so. The stub track on the left is intended to hold disabled equipment. It should hold at least four Shays. There is room to extend it if necessary.

The is the view from the very end. The ballast on the left hand track needs to be tamped. Dick was working on the ballast when the photo was snapped. Once the ballast is tamped this area will be complete. The end of the logging line track work is only a day or so away. The next task will be to clean up the brush and logs along the right of way --- in addition to the mowing and the never ending fall work of blowing leaves off the track.