Mill Creek Central has announced their schedule for the 2019 calendar year. Please be sure to add these dates to your 2019 schedule!!
2019 Schedule
Memorial Day Meet, Card Order* Thur. - Mon May 23 - 27
Summer Meet Thur. - Sun June 13 - 16
Card Order Meet* Thur. - Sun July 11 - 14
Large Engine Meet Thur. - Sun August 8 - 11
Labor Day Meet, Ohio Ramble** Thur. - Mon Aug 29 - Sept 2
Logging and Narrow Gauge Meet Thur. - Sun Sept 19 - 22
Fall Blow Down Thur. - Sun Oct. 10 - 13
*Open running allowed during card order meets.
**2019 Mill Creek's time allotted for the Ohio Ramble, which is August 29 - September 8.
Work Sessions
March 15 - 17
March 29 - 31
April 26 - 28
May 10 - 12
Jun 28 - 30
July 26 - 28
September 27 - 29
October 25 - 27
(Other times as announced on web and/or Facebook)