Check out our great Clinic Schedule for the Buckeye Limited in August!
Clinic Schedule
9:00 Welcome, Card Order Basics w/ Dick McCloy
10:00 Insurance Coverage w/ Dave Sams
11:00 Boiler Treatment w/ Jim Conte
12:00 Boiler Wash Demonstration w/ Marty Knox
9:00 Switch Construction Demonst. w/ Enterprise Plastics
10:00 Propane Conversion w/ Jeff Dute
11:00 Brake Systems w/ Jim Humphrey
12:00 Clippard Products (Tentative) w/ Jim Hoy
9:00 End track work, NOT! w/ Mill Creek Central Crew
10:00 Vesconite Use (Tentative) w/ Dennis TBD
11:00 Loctite 2.0 (Tentative - 2Hrs.) w/ Noah TBD
Be sure and sign up for the Convention, your sure to learn something new!!