This work weekend we began attacking the stream crossing project. We were able to remove the old crossing, clear out the stream, grade and establish a base, place the new pipe, began to cover and completed the ends for erosion control. We were still short some stone (thanks to my bad calculation) but we were able to complete a crossing narrow enough for a single lane. This week we will be getting in more stone to widen the crossing for traffic and then finish filling in the remainder of the hole. Hopefully we should be able to complete the installation this coming week. I'd like to thank all the volunteers that came out to make this very large project possible. Without your help it would not have been possible! Here are some pictures from removal and installation.
The physical part of the project begins with the diversion of the existing stream.

The excavation begins.

Dick works to remove the old concrete slab from the crossing. This is the slab from the first installation a few years ago, used on the second and third pipe installation. Hopefully this is the last installation!

Now to remove the pipe, not an easy task!

The pipe is finally removed! Now to clean up the hole and prepare it for the new installation.

Due to the weight of the old pipe we had to add a little weight onto the front of the backhoe so with the help of the dozer we were able to remove the old pipe.

Lunch Break (late lunch) in the rain.

New pipe installation begins.

One down, one to go.

Verifying the final grade of the pipe.

Pipe traffic control!!

Second pipe being placed.

To bring the two pipes together we had to grease them and pull them together. Once greased we pulled the pipes together with two come-a-longs on each side until the 48" culverts snapped together.

Fill installation begins!

A little short of gravel but at least we are across.

Here are some pictures of the project as of the end of this week. The erosion blocks are mostly in on both ends of the pipe. With some additional stone we will widen the crossing, fill in the remaining area with extra fill on both sides of the crossing to allow for settling and then seed. Hopefully you will see the final project at the Large Engine meet early in August.
